Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Almost a month in Nicaragua....

This is going go be a very short blog because I dont have much time...

1. Cooking Nica Style- this weekend I started to learn how to cook like a Nica. Sounds easy, its mostly rice and beans but the tough part is cooking over wood. You must control the heat of the fire while at the same time keeping the smoke out of your eyes. It can be quite intertaining watching a gringo (foreigner) attempt this. Anyways, I learned how to cool tortillas and rice. I also learned to cook some other stuff but those I had already known how to cook.

2. Testiculos- Yes the word is very similar is spanish and english. My Nica Mom wants me to try Testiculos as the rumor down here is that they make you stronger. Well I gracefully denied and informed my Nica Mom that I believe I am strong enough already. Haha it was quite the interesting conversation, she even got her aunt who was visiting to try to convince me as well. Anyways I have put my foot down, no testiculos or tomates. I did try Rinon (cow kidneys) and Titiles (Chicken Stomach, I think). They actually weren´t too bad although I dont plan on eating them again. Oh a quick side note, no this is not typical Nica food, however I think my family wants me to try it all before I leave so why not.

3. Tarantula- I had a big ole spider in my room the other day so I asked my Nica Bro what it was...yup it was a small little tarantula. I found out that yes they do bite but not bad, but luckily my bro killed it anyways before I had to ask him to get rid of it.

4. Medical superstitions- there are a lot of interesting medical superstitions down here. I will get into more later but two really surprised me this week that deal with my baby sister. First, my sister wears a red wristband. I asked my other sister why the red wrist band and I was informed that a red wristband, yes it has to be red, on babies helps keep them healthy and avoid illnesses. I guess we will have to see if it works.

The second one is that fathers who work a lot are not supposed to hold their babies. This is because when the father leaves the baby will miss them. If they dont listen the father will get sick. I actually was told this tale when the other day when I saw my Nica father hold his daughter for the first time since I have been here. It was the only time I saw him hold her, and then that night my father got terribly sick and was vomiting and what not. Well he traced it back to holding his baby daughter earlier that day. Amazing!!!

Anyway more next time as I have to run, and remember these are not stories of all Nicas but stories of my experiences.


The Freebern's said...


Sounds very interesting!! Watch the items you eat. Some sound very tasty! Good to hear everything is well and your enjoying it!

The Freebern's

Julie Nelson-Hollins said...

Thanks for the update!!! I agree, you are very strong. Love, Mom

Grant said...

Hope everything is going well down there, I'm thinking about coming down over my break in April.