This first picture was taken a month or so into my time here. We hiked for roughly 3 hours up and down mountains to come to this amazing waterfall. Luckily I am now only 1.5 hrs away from it and my friend lives right next to it, so when anyone comes to visit my site we can definately check it out.

This pic comes from out training days. Eight trainees went to visit a volunteer for three days and when we got their we were greeted by the school children who put on a little play for us.

Another picture from tech days, this is a picture of five of us working on vaccinating chickens. It is a cool thing you can do with a youth group to makes some money and take the group on a trip. Which is an awesome thing as many of the children or adults of out comunities never get to see other parts of Nicaragua.

This is another picture of my sitemate Marlena. During out training days we got into a little mudfight (Yes I won, like always!).

So you wonder what I did for New Years! Here is a little tease, this is sunset on New Years Eve down here in Nicaragua. Ill give you some stories next time...
Hope all is well and Happy New Years!!!